THE BEST FROM 2014 | Adeselna Davies
By Adeselna Davies - 01:28
2014 was not a bad year, it was a great one, but somehow the bad almost overcame the good. It was a year of discoveries, a year where I got to find out new authors and fall in love with their books.
It was Megan Hart's year, Kate Pearce's year and hands down to Shelly Laurenston, who still manages to make me laugh and be a little lesbian over her female characters. But these were not the biggest surprise, I knew they were good already, so the crown goes to Eve Langlais.
Now Megan Hart is famous and Shelly also has a contract with a big publisher, the same as Kate Pearce. So imagine my shock when I downloaded A demon and his witch for free just to read a goofy free paranormal novel and end up thinking: w...t...f, where have you been all my life, Eve?? WHERE? Why am I finding you only now?!
2014 was the year of taking risks but while the year does not end with a memorable note, it might be the first year where I chose 12 books and not just the usual ten. So, without further ado, here are the best books that I read in 2014 (some covers are in Portuguese but are similar to the English version).
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