Guys, this top 5 is so depressing it took me a full month and 2 books that I read yesterday to see how awful 2015 was regarding novels... By God what an awful awful year! And don’t get me wrong it, I actually did not give that many 1 stars or even 2 stars, but a single year without a single 5 star novel only means that I was way too depressed to properly read something. I had fun in 2015 but I didn’t read more than three authors that I deeply adore and those were Megan Hart, Eve Langlais and Elle Kennedy. Even Gaiman who is my favourite male author alive disappointed me!
The good part is I know which novels I actually really really liked and as always Eve Langlais just makes me want to write a goofy urban fantasy novel, I mean her female characters are just so amazing and inspiring and also Megan Hart’s new novel Hold me close (which I still have to finish) just made me feel so emotional. Megan Hart is going to write a new trilogy for Harlequin and I just can’t wait to read it. In a way I feel 2016 is going to be a better year. Kate Pearce has managed to write her best novella so far and I also enjoyed Moore’s new novel.
Top 5 best books read in 2015:
1. A tiger’s bride by Eve Langlais
Do you know what I love? When I have every element that I personally hate and the author still manages to make me love the characters! That was pretty much what happened in A tiger’s bride, I was not expecting to love this book because it works with many things I certainly don’t like to see in novels:
A) The villain from the previous novel is the romantic interest
B) The girl is quiet and virgin (uurghhh)
C) A forced marriage? Wait what??
So yeah the fact that A) yes the guy is the romantic interest but guess what? He’s still insane! He still want babies from any girl with large hips B) the woman is a virgin and quiet but she is so much fun! C) The guy just keeps screwing up it’s hillarious, mostly because he knows how much he is screwing up and then he is like: ... I shouldn’t have done that... Oh crap...
It’s just a fun novel with so many things that could go wrong but you want to see them happy and together! Eve Langlais is my Shelly Laureston replacement while she is writing more “serious” stuff. I just need my dose of craziness and fun in a book and A tiger’s bride managed that.
2. Dirty by Megan Hart
When was the last time that I disliked a Hart’s novel? I really can’t even remember if there was a time when I gave her novel’s less than a 4 star review. Megan Hart is one of those authors that I know will never disappoint and Dirty was read while I was travelling for 3 hours in a train where I cared about nothing else than finishing that story as soon as I could. The way she writes her characters and every scene with such depth, in a world where 50 shades of Grey is a best-seller, 50 shades is frozen lasagne where you can only taste the tomato sauce and Megan Hart is a lasagne cooked by an Italian chef where you can feel all those oregano, garlic and meat! It is full of feelings and layers for every reader. I will never get tired of you, Mrs. Hart... Nope... Moving on with he creepiness...
3. The princess and the spindle... The spindle and the sleeper? The sleeper and the spindle there we go!
I had so many issues with this title but they’re mostly over... Right... So the sleeper and the spindle, such great reviews. What happened? It’s not the Ocean at the bottom of the lane... The Ocean at the end of the lane, goddammit Gaiman and your weird titles! But yeah I enjoyed this, I was just expecting too much from the reviews. It is an amazing twist and the illustrations are amazing. I bought it in hardback but the font was soo small I didn’t move past the first page, I have no idea who was the blessed person who gave me the epub but THANK YOU! You have my eternal gratitude!
It’s a great novella... I just wanted more... I’m a greedy bitch I am aware...
4. Elle Kennedy After hours trilogy
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Hello my name is Ana and I read novels from unknown authors in Portugal for fun... Sometimes I find nice stuff but most of the time it’s all crap, so let me tell you, I would read a hundred crappy books again if it got me the chance to find an author like Elle Kennedy again! Every year it’s no secret that I find my “new favourite” author. Elle Kennedy did not managed to get that chance, Eve Langlais pretty much stole the show this year, but I am pretty happy that throughout a crappy year I managed to fin the new Goodreads winner for the contemporary category... Even if it wasn’t with this trilogy...
Still Elle Kennedy is pretty cool, not her as an author as I don’t really know her, but her novels were nice. I didn’t write a full review because I was still depressed and I realised that maybe wasn’t going to be really that fair with her. These three books were my main motivation to slither away from the book depression so I think she deserves a lot more praise than I was willing to give her. Are the novels life changing or amazing? Not really, but still they gave me faith to believe that I could read great male characters and down to earth novels with romance and some steamy scenes.
5. Just in time for the list... Welcome Brownen Evans to my top 5... it's an honour...
Ok this “found” was not my fault, Kimberly was promoting a blog tour, but let me tell you why I loved this novel: it’s a historical novel where the woman wants sex and goes after her husband to get it! There you go! She doesn’t just simply dreams about how great sex would be, she goes to her husband and demands sex. I don’t know what to say more! In a literally world where we focus so much on being “accurate” and using weak female characters in regard to sexual themes, having a female who is finally “normal” felt so fresh and amazing. I think it’s the Victorian’s fault, goddammit you puritans, you have ruined history novels forever! I don’t care, just like Elle Kennedy, I don’t mind reading new awful historical novels full with weird timid virgins if I can at least have one Brownen Evans!
Now my top worse... Just kidding, the year was terrible enough, let’s just appreciate that I am a lot happier and motivated to read stuff.
Honorable mentions:
1. Regency trilogy - Shannon Drake
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Fun, great characters, entertaining enough but that last novel was ah uh... No gurl! I loved the first two books for the adventure and the third one is so urgh cliché? It’s awful compared to the previous two.
2. Blossoming Flower - Vivian Winslow
The first novel from Winslow that I could read published by Harlequin. It’s amazing to see an author grow so much.
3. Eve and the darkness by Sylvia Day
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I debated if I should put this on the list but it is by far the best novel that I read from Day. I started reading the second one and er it has its moments. That’s the thing with Day I can’t really dislike her novels but I also can’t really find anything worth to keep reading them. Eve and the darkness was the first one that made me see her with different eyes. Good stuff.
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