(imagem retirada da internet) Múmias Hot Dog Ingredientes: Salsichas, massa folhada, gema de ovo e mostarda. Preparação: Pré-aqueça o forno a 180º. Estenda a massa e corte em tiras, enrole-a em volta das salsichas deixando um espaço para fazer os olhos. Pincele com a gema de ovo e leve ao forno durante 45 minutos, Retire do forno e faça os olhos com mostarda....
Tru Blue Melissa FosterPublication date: November 9th 2016Genres: Adult, Romance TRU BLUE is a sexy, dark stand-alone novel written in the same loving, raw, and emotional voice romance readers have come to love, and the deeply emotional literary prose women’s fiction readers have come to expect, from New York Times & USA Today bestselling, award-winning author Melissa Foster. “With her wonderful characters and...
BOOK BLITZ | Pushing perfect | Michelle Falkoff | YA Bound book tours
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Book Blitz | Echo campaign | Taylor Brooke | YA Bound Book Tours
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Title: Duce Series: Worlds' End #1 Author: Kai Tyler Genre: MM Romantic Thriller Published: October 17, 2015 Parties and orgies... those are the things Carlos Carmichael wants to do. It's the only way he knows to deal with his life as the son of a notorious cartel boss. He'll get whatever he wants by any means necessary. Until he tangles with a man...

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